Virginia Reduces Alcohol and Drug-Related Traffic Crashes | Richmond Accident Lawyer
According to an article published at the, Virginia tops the region in slashing the number of crashes caused by drunk drivers. Officials say that the decrease can be attributed to a combination of aggressive enforcement and educating the public.
In 2006 Virginia had 11,736 alcohol and drug-related traffic crashes, but has steadily declined since then. In 2010, the number of crashes was 8,221.
Virginia has cracked down on underage drunk driving in addition to implementing frequent sobriety checkpoints. The state also offers various education campaigns such as the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program. There is still more that can be done, but getting funding for extra enforcement and additional education has been a challenge for the state.
We believe that education –especially for young adults– is paramount in preventing car crashes due to impaired driving. Education can start with the parents, which doesn’t cost a dime. For everyone else, continuing to spread the word about the dangers of drunk driving through online forums, social media, and various sites can make a difference. Every little action does count. With your help, we can continue to reduce the number of impaired driving accidents.
Have you been a victim in a car accident with an impaired driver? Richmond personal injury lawyer O’Bryan Law specializes in helping you recover damages to your car, medical bills, and pain and suffering caused by the accident.