Roundabout In Richmond?
CBS 6 – WTVR, Richmond Va – Roundabout In Richmond?.
City of Richmond traffic engineers want to put a roundabout at the intersection of Hermatige Road and Laburnum Avenue.
City traffic engineers want to remove the stop lights and make the area a true roundabout. They would put in 20 mile per hour signs, expand the circle with landscaping, build curved medians and post yield signs at each corner.
This is one of the most dangerous intersections in the Richmond metro area and has about 30,000 vehicles passing through every day. Even more traffic arrives when the race is in town.
The traffic engineers estimate that a roundabout will reduce accidents by 50% and reduce fatalities by 90%.
Some city council members want to put the plan on hold until there’s an education program in place to teach the public how to use a roundabout.
In my opinion the roundabout is a good idea that needs to be implemented as soon as possible. I can tell you from personal experience that this intersection can be very dangerous. I have seen many car and truck wrecks there and I feel that the public is intelligent enough to learn how to use a roundabout without too much trouble.