Dirty Little Secrets Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know (Part 4)
Documentation is the key to keeping an insurance company honest. If you want to get paid for an expense and other items you are legally supposed to recover, you have to show proof. Many people let legitimate expenses fall through the cracks. But remember, not only does this get these items reimbursed, it also shows just how seriously you were injured. This may give the adjuster a better idea of what happened to you.
What counts is not what actually happened but what you can prove happened. A diary can help with this.
Write down everything you remember about the crash: as soon as you can, write down everything that happened including time of day and weather conditions. Over time you may forget key details so it is important to record events as soon as possible.
This is just the beginning of what you should be recording in your accident journal.
A daily entry that records things such as pain level, doctor visits, money you spend on accident related products and services. You can keep your receipts in your dairy too.
The bottom line is that the more information you have to present to the insurance company the better off you will be. Many of the expenses for which you can receive reimbursement can slip through the cracks if you don’t write them down.