DePuy Hip Recall Lawyer
DePuy Orthopaedics has recalled its ASR replacement hip system because its pieces can come loose, shattering the bone around the implant, putting metal fragments in the bloodstream, and causing false tumors to appear.
Because DePuy put its own profits before your well-being, you now need the right lawyers for your DePuy hip replacement lawsuit. You need a sympathetic advocate who will represent only your interests— and who will make the process as painless as possible.
Contact us today at (800) 222-4189 to GET MORE MONEY for your hip replacement lawsuit.
Things to Know:
1. The date of your hip replacement surgery. If you received a hip implant before 2003, you are not affected by the DePuy recall.
2. The brand and model of your implant. DePuy has recalled its ASR XL Acetabular System and its ASR Hip Resurfacing System.
3. The name of the doctor who performed the surgery. They will likely be called upon to testify.
4. If your current doctor thinks you need corrective surgery. Only by receiving a complete medical diagnosis can you learn whether or not you are in any immediate danger.
Things to do:
1. Do not call DePuy’s “help line.” DePuy will use the things you say to support its position that the victims themselves are to blame for the hip failures.
2. Get a second medical opinion. You might even ask another doctor to tell you about the credentials of the first. Be wary of any attempt to talk you out of legal action.
3. Document everything. Write down every aspect of your pain and your treatment. Keep your own notes, in addition to the notes your doctor will take. Do not turn your records over to anyone but your lawyer.
4. Speak to an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer has two main goals: to protect your legal rights and to get you all the compensation you deserve.
Why you need a lawyer now:
1. Only a lawyer can get you full compensation. DePuy will do whatever it can to pay you as little as possible. A lawyer can help you get what you deserve.
2. Your time to sue DePuy is running out. You should seek legal counsel immediately to be sure any applicable statute of limitations does not end too soon.
3. DePuy is trying to get to your doctor first. It is important that you speak to a lawyer about what to say or not to say at your doctor’s office.
4. Evidence must be gathered and preserved. Speaking to a lawyer will prepare you for the record keeping you’ll need to start right away.
5. DePuy might try to contact you. A lawyer will explain how DePuy might try to take advantage of you, and how to avoid giving up your rights to collecting damages.
DePuy is looking to settle out of court with its victims as quickly and cheaply as possible. But you deserve much more money than the minimum. You’re entitled to full compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered. If you settle your claim against DePuy without the benefit of experienced legal counsel on your side, however, you’ll be signing away any chance you have to be made whole again.
Even if you feel fine today, you don’t know what might happen tomorrow. Your hip could be okay this week but fail next week. You could soon be suffering with health problems that you’re only reading about now…. DePuy Orthopaedics designed and sold faulty hip implants—and has even admitted as much publicly… but no matter how obvious it is that DePuy is to blame, you will have to demand compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered, and you will have to prove your case to receive the damages you deserve. The sooner you contact O’Bryan Law, the better prepared you will be.
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