Richmond Police Looking For Hit-and-Run Driver
From A 44-year-old man was hit by a car while crossing Hull and 12th Street and now Richmond police are on the lookout for the driver.
According to witnesses, the driver did stop and walk back to see if the man was ok. However, the driver left the scene before police could arrive at the scene. The man who was hit suffered a broken arm and fractured ribs from the accident. Someone who witnessed the accident told the man who was hit that he needed to go to the hospital, but the man refused any help.
A Richmond police spokesperson said that in this type of situation, the driver could be charged with a felony hit-and-run because he/she did leave before the police arrived.
According to Virginia code § 46.2-894:
“The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident in which a person is killed or injured or in which an attended vehicle or other attended property is damaged shall immediately stop as close to the scene of the accident as possible without obstructing traffic, as provided in § 46.2-888, and report his name, address, driver’s license number, and vehicle registration number forthwith to the State Police or local law-enforcement agency…”
If anyone has any information about this hit-and-run accident, contact Richmond Police Sgt. John Bowman at (804) 646-1369 or Crime Stoppers at 780-1000.
If you’ve been injured in any type of car accident, contact a Richmond lawyer who specializes in car accidents and personal injury cases. The O’Bryan law firm is available at (800) 222-4189.