Raptiva linked to deadly rare Brain Infection | Richmond VA medical Malpractice Lawyer Wayne O’Bryan
LaBovick & LaBovick of Florida have just written a new blog entitled:Raptiva linked to deadly rare Brain Infection : Injury Law Blog.
The tragedy of the “cure” being worse than the disease has become more and more frequent since the FDA Fast Track program started in 1997. Originally implemented in order to get an AIDS drug to market more quickly, it has now become the norm for many drugs. This has caused more drugs with long-term side effects to become readily available to the American public.
I handled many cases in the Fen Phen fiasco. Fen Phen was a drug cocktail to treat obesity that ended up causing heart problems in many users.
The point here is to be careful what drugs you take. Also realize that most of the drugs you get in America are now made in China, which has quality control issues you may have heard about recently. There are many things that proper eating and exercise will cure much more effectively than a pill.
For more information go to Richmond, Virginia personal injury lawyer Wayne O’Bryan’s site.