Death Rate Decreases For Children in Virginia reports that fewer children in Virginia are dying from accidents; this is according to state officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Accidental injuries are the leading cause of death among children in Virginia and across the country. In 2000, Virginia had 14.5 accidental deaths for every 100,000 Virginians age 19 and younger. By 2009, the numbers had dropped to 7.9 deaths per 100,000. It’s been said that these numbers have decreased because fewer children are dying in car accidents.
While most causes of death have fallen, poisoning deaths have increased with prescription drug overdoses being the main contributor among teens ages 15-19.
Adults have a responsibility to ensure that children are safe – especially when driving in a motor vehicle. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for children due to the improper use of seat belts and child car seats. Make sure you understand Virginia’s child passenger safety laws which state that child restraint devices are required for children through the age of seven. Otherwise, you could be hit with a $50 fine for the first offense or up to $500 for any subsequent incident.
Have you or your child been injured in an auto accident? Contact an experienced Richmond, Virginia Car Accident Attorney to help you with your case.