Questions Insurance Adjusters Hate (Part 1) | Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer
Next time you are dealing with the insurance adjuster after your accident and they want to get a recorded statement from you ask them this:
Why do you need a recorded statement if you can get all the information you need from the police report?
This is guaranteed to make the adjuster uncomfortable because they really don’t need to get a recorded statement from you about your accident. The insurance company is hoping you will say something that they can use against you in your injury claim. Yes they will try and use your own statements against you to either deny the claim or pay less money than you deserve.
You can learn about more insurance company adjuster tricks they use against accident victims in my Virginia Accident Injury Book. It is FREE to residents of Virginia that have been injured through someone else’s fault. Get it now. You won’t be disappointed. You need to know this information to fight the adjuster.